Online Events

Mental Health Mondays

Join us online on Mondays in March to start your week off right with some grounding self-care.

Alternate Universes: A Social Worker's Poetry Workshop For Dreaming A Better World

Monday, March 6 @ 12 to 1 p.m. online
**OASW Member Exclusive**

Cassandra Myers, Social Worker, Counselor, and Award-winning Poet, Performer, Dancer and Illustrator

In this workshop, participants of all writing experiences can return to the origins of why they entered social work profession in the first place – to be a part of a safer, freer, and more just world. Using poetics based in ideas of Afro, Indigenous, and Diasporic futurisms from a crip-queer temporal lens, we will bend timelines and bring forward the knowledge of our ancestors as medicine, while also allowing our child selves to let the wild horse of our desire for play, joy, pleasure, and freedom for all caress our intentions, hopes, and dreams, for an alternate universe that we are all working towards with our entire beings.

Therapeutic Writing: Decluttering Your Mind with Writing

Monday, March 13 @ 12 to 1 p.m. online
**OASW Member Exclusive**

Lori Rosove, MA, RSW, Writing Guide and Educator

Balancing the demands of social work is challenging on any day, but adjusting to a "new normal" following a three-year pandemic can add an extra layer of stress. Maybe you're dealing with bouncing thoughts and can't seem to nail down decisions. Or you're having difficulty finding clarity despite trying different methods. Whatever you're dealing with, if you want to feel a little less monkey-brain and a little more calm, try decluttering your mind with therapeutic writing.  My simple, yet highly therapeutic writing practice will help you gain insightful clarity and mental relaxation. You’re invited to join an exclusive virtual therapeutic writing workshop so you can experience the benefits of this practice yourself.

Inner Peace: A Powerful Leadership Virtue for Leading amid Chaos and Beyond

Monday, March 20 @ 12 to 1 p.m. online
Free to attend for social workers across Ontario!

Shiyen Shu, Executive Coach and Leadership Expert

What if you woke up every day feeling inspired, motivated, in service, energized, and compassionate? Join us to explore and leverage the greatest thing you have – your own inner peace. Together, we'll learn how to cultivate a personal inner peace that surpasses what’s going on in any given moment. After all, “a peaceful mind generates power.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Yoga Nidra: An Experiential Practice of Deep Relaxation

Monday, March 27 @ 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. online
**OASW Member Exclusive**

Shiyen Shu, Executive Coach and Leadership Expert

Join us as we learn and experience this powerful technique of relaxing consciously. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. In this state, the receptivity of the mind is greater and thus Yoga Nidra can also be used to accomplish many of your goals. If you plan to attend, please make sure to be in a quiet, closed room. During the practice, you will be asked to lie down on the floor, so keep a blanket and a mat handy. You can have a small pillow and extra blanket with you to cover yourself. Ideally, this is practiced on an empty stomach, so allow three hours for digestion of a heavy breakfast, or half an hour for the settling of a light snack.

More Online Events

Looking for even more ways to gather online with your social work colleagues during Social Work Week and National Social Work Month? Have a look at upcoming events from the Canadian Association of Social Workers or OASW’s Local Engagement Networks, or attend one of the OASW Learning Centre’s many webinars, free for RSWs and RSSWs in Ontario!

The Power of Ceremony: Indigenous Contemplative Practices, Neurodecolonization, and Indigenous Mindfulness
Thursday, March 30 @ 1 p.m. online
Presented by the Canadian Association of Social Workers
More CASW Events